Vyntus CPX – CPET
Cardio Pulmonary
Exercise Testing System
Exercise Testing System

Vyntus CPX for CPET – Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing
The versatile Vyntus CPX Metabolic Cart delivers the latest generation of clinical cardiopulmonary exercise testing with highly accurate sensors to collect full breath-by-breath gas measurement data and wireless Bluetooth 12 Lead ECG. It offers the choice of an Ergocycle or Treadmill as exercise devices.

The powerful Vyntus CPX is an accurate, reliable system that collects full breath-by-breath data and allows the determination of a subject’s metabolic response. The 9-Panel Wasserman graph offers a concise overview of the cardiovascular, ventilatory and gas exchange parameters.
Vyntus CPX offers all essential CPET applications:
- True breath-by-breath Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
- Wireless Bluetooth 12 Lead ECG
- Spirometry, pre/post, animation and exercise flow-volume loops
- Integrated pulse oximetry
- Automatic volume and gas calibration
- High/Low FIO2 optional
- Indirect calorimetry assessment (REE, FAT...) standard, canopy mode optional
- Combined legacy and new 9-Panel-Wasserman Graph and the possible limitation graph
- Three separate ventilatory threshold determinations, six automatic slope calculations and Tau calculation
- Online entry of RPE scale, blood gas marker, blood pressure or events
- Offline entry of blood gases with automatic calculation of related parameters [P(A-a)O2, VD/VT calculated]
- Comprehensive Protocol Editor program for creating individual ramp, step and weight dependent protocols